
Influence of technology on the evolution

Discuss the below in a 400 words:

• The influence of technology on the evolution of each of the art forms: architecture, photography, sculpture, and painting

o What new technology developed? How did this lead to changes in the materials used and the evolution of styles?

o What types of art were most affected by technology? Why?

Response the questions about the influence of technology on the evolution of each of the art forms, that you think broadly about technology and not just think about technology as it relates to computers or digital technologies.

Trace the development, over time, of the influence technology has had on architecture, sculpture, photography, and painting. Think not only about technology as it relates to tools and/or materials but also think about the influence or impact technology may have had on the art product itself, and on the evolution of each art form with regard to the various styles we have discussed. What are the various ways we can think about how technology has helped to transform the art forms we have discussed in this class?

For example, there are two styles of painting, and a particular painter's work, we discussed in class during Weeks 1 and 2 that were directly influenced by technology. In your readings on sculpture, there was some discussion about sculptors' work, or certain styles of sculpture, that were influenced by technology. What influence did technology have on the types of photographs photographers may have taken? Or on how they used the medium of photography to create certain types of photographs?

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Other Subject: Influence of technology on the evolution
Reference No:- TGS01846102

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