Influence of Ethical and Legal Practices on Social Change
1. Evaluate how adherence to ethical and legal practice can influence social change.
2. You may share how you developed a sense of right and wrong.
3. Who/what influenced your moral and ethical development?
4. What experiences contributed to your personal and professional beliefs? Are your personal and professional beliefs congruent?
5. What is your idea of right and wrong? Are there absolutes or are there shades of gray? Do the same guidelines apply in all circumstances?
6. What are some of your basic values that guide your work and your life? What experiences have potentially influenced your decision making?
7. What aspects of your personality and work ethic are most compatible with the counseling field? Least compatible?
8. Was there a time, in your personal or professional life, when you felt that your confidentiality was violated, that you were involved in a dual relationship in which you felt uncomfortable, or perhaps an issue resonated unexpectedly with you (e.g., transference).