Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic but what

Question 1. Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic, but what happens when the inference circumvents logical reasoning?

  • No one will understand you.
  • A fallacy has been committed.
  • One has proven to be a good logician.
  • One ought to use inductive reasoning.
  • The syllogism is sound.

Question 2. A car salesman says this, in order to get you to buy a new car from him:

"Buddy! You gotta buy this car. You've seen the commercials where Governor Ahnold is driving this car, haven't you? You want to be like him, right?" This type of faulty logic is an example of _____.

  • hasty generalization
  • appeal to authority
  • false dilemma
  • false analogy
  • free wheeling

Question 3. When you see a stranger coming toward you on the sidewalk, do you greet the person or not bother them? The previous example is an instance of which of the following choices?

  • False dilemma
  • Untrue premise
  • Red herring
  • Contradiction
  • Isolated case

Question 4. All those old people are cheap. They never give me a fair tip when I park their cars in the valet parking lot. What kind of fallacy is operating here?

  • Straw man
  • Appeal to fear
  • Hasty generalization
  • Questionable statistics
  • Slippery slope

Question 5. If children cannot be executed for their crimes, why should we execute people with learning disabilities who have the mental capacity of children? What kind of fallacy is operating here?

  • Straw man
  • False analogy
  • Appeal to fear
  • Circumlocution
  • Special pleading

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Other Subject: Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic but what
Reference No:- TGS01227661

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