
Inferential statistics used in the study

Do the following:

1. Go to the Survey System Calculator (Links to an external site.) from this hyperlink and calculate a sample size for a survey you would like to give at your work or clinical site. Be creative. You may need to look up words like Confidence Interval (Links to an external site.) (CI); however the most common CIs are 1, 3, 5, and 10.

2. Write about your proposed survey. Include title, purpose, number of items, and how you calculated your sample size.

• Survey System Calculator link


• Cofidence interval link


Use chapter 12, 14 & 16 from this textbook:

LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidenced- based practice (8th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby.

Access to the textbook: https://play.google.com/books

User name: [email protected]
Password: Research015


• Read and critique the Jones article, highlighting and/or writing in the margins of the article using the Critical Appraisal Questions (Chapter 18, pages 367- 369 of textbook provided above) to guide your critique.

• Answer two (2) of the questions below:

1. Were inferential statistics used in the study; were they appropriate to the level of measurement of the variables?

2. Does a theoretical /conceptual framework or model guide the research study? What is the name of the framework and author of the framework?

3. What are the controls for threats to internal validity; are they appropriate?

4. How was data collected? If questionnaires were used, were reliability and validity reported?

5. What are the controls for threats to external validity; are they appropriate?

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