
Inferential statistics - statistics in research


Inferential Statistics - Statistics in Research

For this project you will find two journal articles related to your field of interests. You will be describing each article, the proposed question and the statistics they used to address the question. One of your articles must use inferential statistics to make inferences about a population. You will know if the article includes inferential statistics if you find references to p (p-value) or CI (confidence interval). The other may be of your choice. NOTE: This is an individual project. You may seek assistance from the librarian or your professor.

Part 1: To be completed in the private discussion portion

You will need to find two articles related to an area of your interest. One must use inferential statistics the other may use any statistical method of your choice. Present the articles including the APA citation in the private discussion forum.

Part 2: To be completed

You will write a paper to compare the analysis of the data in your two papers. Your paper must include a description of each research project, the proposed question, the data collection process, the statistical methods used to analyze the data and the conclusions. You should also include an explanation of the rational for choosing the statistical methods used based on the question being asked. You may also present other ideas for using the data.

Your paper should be 3-5 pages, not including the cover page and references. Your paper must be in APA format.

Reminder: The purpose of this assignment is to observe how statistics are used in research and articles. You MUST discuss the pertinent statistics from your articles within your paper. Simply summarizing the articles is not sufficient.

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Basic Statistics: Inferential statistics - statistics in research
Reference No:- TGS01970370

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