
Inertia force to viscous force by reynolds number

1)(a) What do you mean by turbulent flow? Write down the factors that decides the types of flow in pipes?

(b) Find an expression for velocity distribution for turbulent flow in smooth pipes.

2) State centrifugal pump. Describe the working of single stage centrifugal pump with neat sketch.

3) Single stage reciprocating pump has piston diameter= 12.5cm and stroke= 30cm the centre of pump= 4m above the water level in sump. Diameter and length of suction pipe are 7.5cm and 7m respectively. The separation occurs if absolute pressure head in cylinder during suction stroke fall blow 2.5m of water. Compute maximum speed at which pump can run without separation. Atmospheric pressure head is 10.3m of water.

4) Write down difference between:

(a) Impulse and reaction turbine

(b) radial and axial flow turbine

(c) Kaplan and Propeller turbine.

5)(a) Write down the dimensions of:

(i) Force

(ii) Viscosity

(iii) Power

(iv) Kinematic viscosity

(b) Illustrate that inertia force to viscous force gives Reynolds number.

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Mechanical Engineering: Inertia force to viscous force by reynolds number
Reference No:- TGS013029

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