
Inequality is an important issue across countries not least

1. Inequality is an important issue across countries, not least because high levels of inequality to many people are immoral.Since globalistion is at least partly linked to inequality outcomes it is important to understand how linkages operate. in your view, how does economic globalisation affect the different forms of inequality that are commonly discuss?

2. The so-called Euro crisis still threatens the global economy. in the context of the crisis, Greece is the country that is most at risk and therefore receiving the most attention. Provide some background to the Greek situation and provide comments on why not only europe but also most other countries around he world are concerned about the problems of such a small country with such a small economy.

3. John Pilger's video on the problems associate with globalisation is highly critical of the WTO. What is the WTO and what are, firstly, its role and secondly its function? Include in your answer a description of the members of the WTO. What are your views on Pilger's advice that the WTO should be closed down and replaced with some more democratic alternative?

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Business Management: Inequality is an important issue across countries not least
Reference No:- TGS01467142

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