Question 1: Answer any one in around 500 words:
a) Describe the components of diagnosis and program management of Organization Development.
b) How have the laboratory training stem and survey research and feed-back stem contributed to the discipline of organization in development.
Question 2: Answer any one in around 500 words:
a) What are the forces for change? Why do people resist change? Describe the procedure of overcoming resistance to change.
b) What do you mean by teams? Explain broad team-building interventions and procedure consultation.
Question 3: Answer any two in around 250 words each:
a) Describe the procedure of Action Research.
b) What do you mean by MBO and Quality Circles?
c) What are the values and suppositions of Organization Development?
d) What do you mean by change? Describe Lewin’s three phase model of change.
Question 4: Write brief note on any five in around 100 words each:
a) Nature of Organization Development.
b) Planned Change.
c) Total Quality Management
d) Role Negotiation method
e) OD Interventions.
f) Systems theory.