
Industrial property trademarks

Question 1: What do you mean by the term trademark? What types of signs can be registered as the trademarks?

Question 2: Identify and discuss the grounds on which the trademark can be eliminated from the register.

Question 3: Describe the given terms giving appropriate illustrations:

a) Similarity of goods.
b) Similarity of trademarks.

Question 4: What do you mean by the term counterfeiting? Describe with the help of illustrations.

Question 5: Describe the significance of trademark licensing. What are the restrictions on which the licensee with regards to use of the trademarks?

Question 6: Describe the meaning and significance of Franchising. Discuss the factors that usually characterize a franchise relationship.

Question 7: What are the differences between the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol?

Question 8: What are the advantages of international registration of marks for:

a) The owner of the mark
b) Trademark offices

Question 9: What is the objective of the TLT and who can become party to the Treaty?

Question 10: What are the contents of the Regulations under the Trademark Law Treaty?

Question 11: How does the TRIPS Agreement affect the availability, scope and use of trademark rights?

Question 12: What are the tasks performed by the International Bureau in concern with the provisions of the Lisbon agreement?

Question 13: How would you differentiate between a trade secret and know-how? Describe with illustrations.

Question 14: Law against unfair competition is meant only for the advantage of commercial organizations and business houses. Comment on it.

Question 15: What actions can lead to an act of unfair competition?

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Business Law and Ethics: Industrial property trademarks
Reference No:- TGS02400

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