Question 1: Describe the concept of industrial discipline and observe whether it promotes healthy industrial relations.
Question 2: Define the term misconduct and describe the remedial measures given under the industrial jurisprudence.
Question 3: Describe the fundamentals of charge sheet and state whether it has to be served on the antisocial employee before or after the suspension.
Question 4: Describe the principles of natural justice which are to be followed in the procedure of awarding punishments in case of proven acts of misconduct.
Question 5: Describe the necessary features of Industrial Employment (or Standing Orders) Act1946 and state how it promotes the industrial discipline.
Question 6: Critically observe the scope of doctrine of pleasure as given under Art.310 of the Constitution.
Question 7: Describe the jurisdiction and powers of the Administrative tribunals.
Question 8: Is there any statutory right vested in the employer to transfer his employees? Describe directions if any, of the judiciary in this concern.
Question 9: Critically observe the right of hearing of civil servants and its exceptions with the assist of case law.
Question 10: Write brief notes on any two of the given terms:
a) Cumulative or non-cumulative fines.
b) Termination of employment.
c) Domestic enquiry officer.
d) Industrial tribunal.