
Industrial and post-industrial cultures

Three ways in which women's roles have considerably changed in the industrial and post-industrial cultures.

a) The function of women has changed politically. Women can vote, run for office and are included in all regions of the political arena from staffing phone banks to writing speeches, serving as campaign advisors and serving as President of the country (Germany and Brazil are illustrations).

b) The function of women has changed economically. In pre-industrial cultures women work mainly in the home and are supported by their husband or father. In industrial societies women work primarily outside the home and earn their own living. Most of the times even married women will have comprised their own banking accounts and will keep their finances separate from her husband's.

c) The role of women has changed religiously. With the increase of opportunities for women in politics and the economy opportunities in the religious organizations have too arisen.

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Other Subject: Industrial and post-industrial cultures
Reference No:- TGS030324

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