
Individuals work in all different types and sizes of

Small business profile

Name of Small Business Name of Small Business Jack's Auto Recycler

Type of Business Briefly explain the type of business you are using. For example if it is a cafe, what products do you sell to customers? does it include take away? does it cater to customers with dietary needs? etc. Jack's Auto Recycler specialises in providing customers with genuine, clean and reliable second hand auto parts. Customers can purchase genuine second hand motor vehicle parts directly over the counter or they can be ordered online and posted anywhere in Australia.

Location You need to identify where the small business is located, the population and brief demographics of the area Jacks is located in Townsville, North Queensland and was established in 1985.

The population of Townsville is approx 250, 000. At last census there were 45,000 motor vehicles in the Townsville region. There are 3 direct competitors in Townsville and a further 3 indirect competitiors within 100km radius of Townsville.

Number of Staff and Position You need to identify how many staff you are employing. Are they casual, full time, or part-time? You also need to identify what position they are employed as. Jack's staff consists of 1 full-time manager, 2 full time mechanics, 2 part-time mechanics and 1 casual office worker.

All staff, with the exception of the office worker, are fully trained or qualified mechanics, serve customers and work in the recycling yard. 1 part-time mechanic is trained to package and send parts via carrier or post

This IS AN EXAMPLE of one topic


Innovation is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay (Business Dictionary, no date).

To attract a larger target market outside the Townsville region, Jack's has a fully interactive web site, android and iPhone app, automated phone system or the good old fashion talk to a real person across the counter approach.

A fully integrated inventory system is accessible to all staff and customers can view online the availability of stock on hand in real time. Orders can be made and paid over the phone or internet and there are several options for payment. Being aware of the external environment (Williams & McWilliams, 2014), and the amount of competition there is in Townsville and the surrounding region, it is important that we offer this kind of service if we are to remain competitive and provide a best practice approach.

Capitalising on the use of technology in business will give us the advantage over our competitors and enable us to reach a larger target market resulting in a sustainable business.

I believe in innovation and encourage all my staff to always be on the lookout for effective and efficient new ways of satisfying our customers. This is what I believe is part of the culture of my business and will make it stand out above my competitors.There are three topics we have to write 200 words on each topic. topics are sustainability, motivation and ethics

The presentation format in addressing your chosen topics is to:

a. STATE: the theory concept approach etc (briefly)

b. EXPLAIN: give a brief explanation / definition

c. ILLUSTRATE: demonstrate the application of the topic to your business (expand)

You'll need to use a minimum of TWO (2) references per topic using APA referencing format. in the Reference list box.

ASSESSMENT TASK: Small Business Workbook

Aligned subject and course learning outcomes

- explain how organisations can be ethically, corporately and socially responsible in achieving sustainable practice
- appreciate business and management principles that apply specifically in a tropical environmental context
- Demonstrate essential knowledge necessary for a career in business related professions
- Synthesise underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions
- Apply critical thinking to address issues in business.
- Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience.


Individuals work in all different types and sizes of organisations and businesses in various roles and responsibilities, duties and expectations. One approach to familiarise you with these future challenges is to apply the theory presented in this subject in a practical context requiring you to explore and identify the various topics within a business/management environment.

It is hoped that by applying the various topics to your chosen small business, this will contribute to your understanding and establish a sound basis of both the theory and practical aspects of this subject in the management context and prepare you for the remainder of your degree.

For this assessment task, you are to select a small business of your choice. As the owner/manager of your business, you have the primary goals of being both successful and sustainable. Throughout this subject you will be exposed to a variety of topics expressly relevant to a small business owner/manager that will assist in your business decisions.

You will be required, using this workbook, to express and apply a number of chosen topics from a list provided in the workbook to demonstrate the practical understanding and application of the selected topics in your chosen business.

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Business Management: Individuals work in all different types and sizes of
Reference No:- TGS01536357

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