
Individuals with special needs

Individuals with Special Needs:


View a movie related to the course content and write a 2- 3page written review (800-1200 words, Times New Roman, size 12) [like this font].

Detailed Instructions: Steps to complete the written assignment:

1. Select a movie from the movie list that you have in your student drive. Some of the movies are available in the ECAE library for 2 day loan, some you can watch on youtube.com, and others you can find in a movie store.

2. Have a notebook and a pencil ready. Watch the movie carefully.

3. Describe the major theme, any stereotypes noted, and the character and how the disabling condition was portrayed.

4. How does this compare with what you have been learning in this course and to the description of a person with this disabling condition and to your knowledge about persons with special needs?

5. Describe the impact of the disability (where applicable) on the individual with special needs in the movie: (social life, school/academic life, family life, and/or work life).

6. What impact do you think the disability portrayed in this movie may have on young people in Abu Dhabi specifically?

7. Type your name and student ID on the paper.

8. Add the title of the movie and the language of the movie.

9. Write the movie review in your own words. Include all the parts of the movie described earlier.

10. Make sure you have included all of the important details you watched.

11. Write your opinion about the movie. Was the disability portrayed in a positive or negative way?  Give two specific reasons that support your opinion.

12. Did you enjoy the movie?  Give two specific reasons that support your opinion.

13. Write a conclusion to the paper.

14. When you are finished with your paper make sure you use spell check/grammar check.

This assignment will be worth 20% of your final course grade. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long, typed, double-spaced and edited for spelling and grammatical errors.

Learning Outcomes Addressed #2: Research and conceptualize the impact of disabilities on young people.

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Other Subject: Individuals with special needs
Reference No:- TGS01436222

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