
Individuals at midlife are often described as being part of

Individuals at midlife are often described as being part of the “Sandwich Generation” - with the person the meat, and the caring for their children and caring for their parents as they grow infirm the bread.

For this discussion, imagine yourself to be a person of middle age (if not already) who is faced with the task of providing some form of care for your children, and having to provide some form of care for your parents. Decide what a typical work week might look like in this situation. What activities/tasks would you engage in, and how would these be different from your current activities? How you would divide your time between these activities?

Post your response to these questions, and then explain your thought processes behind the decisions. In other words, why/how did you select which activities/tasks that you would engage in and how you would divide your time? Did you base your decisions on certain characteristics of the family (e.g., age of children, income, type of work, marital relationship)? If so, what was the most important characteristic that informed your decision?

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Other Subject: Individuals at midlife are often described as being part of
Reference No:- TGS0762188

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