
Individualize an effective training and development plan

Assignment Task: Given the significant time and money spent on recruiting and selecting the best possible candidate, the next step in the process is to ensure that the organization uses its talent resources effectively. This is where training and development come into the picture - but these are not activities are unfamiliar to us Indeed, we are socialized in learning environments from a young age. Think: primary and secondary education (i.e. your formal training through the 12 'grades' or its equivalent).

As will be highlighted in this module, there are many different ways to learn. Take this free quiz as a good first step of exploring how you learn (it'll help you figure out which type of learner you are most like):

How we learn is actually an important topic that HR professionals spend a great deal of time trying to individualize an effective training and development plan for employees. Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy and expert educator has spent his career talking about the importance of discovering ourselves in the learning process. Check out his TedTalk here: Please answer the following questions:

Q1. Why do you suppose we rush students through education when they haven't always grasped the basics?

Q2. How might this affect the future workforce once they graduate and enter organizational life?

Q3. What do you think we must we do differently in HR to help remedy this issue?

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HR Management: Individualize an effective training and development plan
Reference No:- TGS03429526

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