individual psychotherapyit is conducted on one

Individual Psychotherapy:

It is conducted on one  to one basis.  It is effective when a therapeutic rapport develops between patient and  therapist. The common types of  individual psychotherapy are: Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy, Abreaction, Reality  therapy, Uncovering and Supportive therapy.  

Behavioural Psychotherapy:

Definition: It  is a  form of  psychotherapy modifying the faulty behaviour of patientlclient.  (Refer Birnla Kapoor:  Text  Book  of  Psychiatric Nursing, Vol.  I1 in which the therapist helps the client) Behaviour modification Systematic desensitization Aversion therapy Assertiveness training, and Positive reinforcement.  

Interpersonal Psychotherapy:

In interpersonal  therapy the emphasis is mainly on the interpersonal relationship. The common therapies used for  interpersonal psychotherapy are marital therapy, family therapy and transactional analysis. We will discuss mainly the family therapy.  

Family Therapy:

It is used to improve relationship and also to modify home influence that may be the cause of  problem for one or more members. The therapist helps  the clientslmember to become aware of  their disturbed behaviour due to defensive pattern used by  them, specially used  in marital disharmony, HIVI AIDS  and Drug Abuse.  

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Biology: individual psychotherapyit is conducted on one
Reference No:- TGS0176363

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