
Individual level variables that present challenges to

Multiple-choice questions

1. Individual level variables that present challenges to managing in today’s workplace focus on

Learning to work with people who may be different from you.

a) Organizational culture.

b) Recruitment and training.

c) Human resource policies.

d) Evidence-based management.

2. Organizations that do not help employees achieve a work life balance will find it increasingly difficult to ____________ the most capable employees.


a) Train and promote

b) Attract and retain

c) Empower

d) Communicate with

3. Studies have shown that when individual employee values align with organizational values.

a) There are more positive work attitudes, lower turnover, and greater productivity.

b) There is an overall improvement in attitude, but other improvements are hard to measure.

c) There is a change in attitudes, but there is no difference in turnover.

d) There is a change in attitudes, but there is no improvement in productivity.

e) There is a change in attitudes over the long-term of the company, but not in the short term.

4. A study on francophone and Anglophone values suggests that

a) Francophone managers favour behaviour that is beneficial to their own interests first

b) Francophobe’s are more individualistic than ever.

c) Francophobe’s are more collectivistic than ever.

d) Francophone managers are more achievement oriented.

e) Francophobe’s have been shown to take more risk.

5. In her study. Lindsay Redpath concluded that Aboriginal cultures

a) Are more collectivist than non-Aboriginal cultures in either Canada or other United States.

b) Are higher on uncertainty avoidance than non-Aboriginal cultures in either Canada other United States.

c) Are not more likely to reflect and advance the goals of the community.

d) Demonstrate a lower sense of family, affiliation, and loyalty within the workplace.

e) Support a larger power distance than non-Aboriginal cultures of Canada and the United States.

6. Organizational commitment refers to the degree to which

a) Employees identify with the organizations purpose.

b) Employees identify with the organization they work for and its goals.

c) Employers are committed to their employees.

d) Employers are committed to maintaining the membership of their employees.

e) Employees and employers are both committed to each other.

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Operation Management: Individual level variables that present challenges to
Reference No:- TGS01382403

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