Individual final international marketing ethics

Individual FINAL International Marketing Ethics Paper

Many companies at some point in time of operation are faced with ethical issues that can alter the company's reputation. Merriam Webster dictionary defines ethics as "the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation (Merriam Webster, 2011)". Nestle has been a focal point for many conscientious consumers due to recent questions of their lack of ethical conduct concerning promotions of their infant formula to mothers of children in Africa.

Nestle does have a global code of conduct. In summary, it states that Nestle employees should act within the best interest of the company, conduct business honestly and uphold legal statutes, and refrain from any acts that could possibly injure the company's reputation (Nestle, 2011). Although Nestle carries a code of conduct some individuals may disagree on whether they are following this code of conduct?

In 1970 Nestle began to be looked upon as a company with low morale. Nestle was accused by activists of unethically marketing it baby formula. Nestle had in fact been promoting its formula to poor women in countries all over the world. As a result thousands possibly even millions of babies died.

WHO (World Health Organization) created the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes to combat the disparaging act of disreputable marketing of formulas. Nestle declared that it had revised it policies after this code was enacted, but boycotters remarked that Nestle was still one of the main offenders in seedy marketing of formula (Ethical Shopping, 2011).

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