
Indicate the estimated measure incidence rate

Indicate the estimated measure incidence rate, prevalence rate and numerical value of the rate.

For each of the subsequent situations indicate the appropriate measure, incidence rate or prevalence rate as well as the numerical value of the rate?

a) Over a 10 year period 1199719 patients had initial bypass surgery. Of those patients 899719 returned for further surgical procedures related to initial bypass within one year of their original bypass surgery. Explain which is the appropriate measure incidence rate or prevalence rate? Explain what is the numerical value of the rate?

b. A screening team tested 772 individuals who were between 52 to 85 years of age for cataracts. Of these individuals tested 32 were determined to have cataracts at the time of the screening

Hint to solve the problem- The base is either 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10, 000, 100, 000, 1, 000, 000 1, 000, 000, 000. Try to usage a base that will leave at least one none zero number on the left side of the decimal point

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Basic Statistics: Indicate the estimated measure incidence rate
Reference No:- TGS023382

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