Indicate the dependent and independent variables

Assignment task: For each of the following hypothetical research projects, indicate the dependent and independent variables, making sure to specify and define the levels of the independent variable. How many levels are there in each scenario? How many groups will be required in the study?

(1) You want to know how relaxation techniques might influence exam taking. You have 40 statistics students. Ten take their final exams after a night sleeping with classical music playing in the background (musical relaxation), 10 after having had a massage the previous day (physical relaxation), 10 after having taken CBD the previous night (chemical relaxation) and 10 after having done yoga the previous day (calming relaxation). You compare the final exam scores of each group.

(2) .You want to know how exercise might influence taste perception of food eaten immediately after. Each group of participants is given a different type of exercise: one group is asked to run for a half hour on the treadmill, a second group is asked to cycle for a half hour on a stationary bicycle, and a third group is asked to sit still for a half hour. The participants from each group are all then given three different types of hamburger sliders to taste and are asked to rank their preference.

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Other Subject: Indicate the dependent and independent variables
Reference No:- TGS03363395

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