
Indicate the benefits of using the nursing process

Anxiety r/t stress as evidenced by difficulty in juggling for school and work load.

Reference pls. Canadian Fundamentals of nursing Fifth edition (Potter & Perry (Elsevier).

Indicates the benefits of using the nursing process, including the metaparadigm concepts for assessment and SMART criteria for goals.

Metaparadigm ( client, & person , environment, health & Nursing )

SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time measured)

This summary should be a written observation of the process you used including your commentary of it’s benefits.

Points to consider as you write this summary;

> Discuss why each of the steps of the nursing process are important to complete? ( Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning Intervention & Evaluation ).

> Discuss how the SMART criteria benefited you in developing goals/ expected outcomes ?

> You should have an introduction, headings for each of the steps of the nursing process and your discussion of them, a heading for the the use of the metaparadigm and your discussion as well as a conclusion.

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