
Indicate device and what media the lans in each building

LAB Assignment: Designing a Network


You just got hired to be the network administrator for the Red Cross. They send you to Haiti to set up a local area network for a collection of four medical buildings. All four buildings will be located within 200 yards (600 feet) of each other. The network requirements are as follows:

A. All four facilities will have their own client-server LAN. You have a choice to use either wired or wireless technology to connect the computers within each LAN

B. You also need the LAN in each building to connect with the LANs in the other three buildings. Note that standard Ethernet cable can only transmit signals 100 yards (300 feet).

C. You also want computers in all four buildings to have Internet access. Note that there is no cable, DSL or fiber optic services in Haiti.

Form groups of 2-3 people.

NOTE: The full name of each student in the group should be at the top of each document

Each group must draw a model (picture) of how your network would look. The model must:

1. Connection of Devices in each building: Indicate what device and what media your group chose to build the LANs to connect the computers within each building.

2. Connection of the four buildings: Indicate device and what media the LANs in each building are using to connect to the other buildings.

3. Connection to the Internet: Indicate what devices and what type of technology the entire network is using to connect to the Internet.

- On the model label each device and each type of media.

On a separate page, use bullet points to list each of the hardware devices and network media you used in your network and explain why you used it.

You cannot build other structures. "Sky hooks" are not real. All equipment requires electrical power.

To help you with this assignment I have listed some network devices, network media, and internet technologies that are used in networking.

You will not use all of the items listed. Your group must choose which items are appropriate for the Haiti network and then explain why.

Network Topologies

Network Devices

Network Media

Internet Technologies


Ethernet cable (twisted-pair)



Coaxial cable


Wireless router

Fiber optic cable



Wi-Fi (802.11g)

Coaxial Cable


WiMAX (802.16)


Microwave dish



Satellite dish


See also




-  Name the document: YourLastName YourFirstName Network Design 1 (use 2 for another document).

- One person in the group needs to submit the diagram of your network. If you drew this on paper, submit the paper to the instructor
or scan it and submit the file in the Canvas assignment.

If you drew this electronically, submit the file in the Canvas assignment.

- The other members of the group need use the text entry for the assignment and list the person who submitted the documents.

- NOTE: The full name of each student in the group should be at the top of the paper

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Computer Networking: Indicate device and what media the lans in each building
Reference No:- TGS02484960

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