
Independent newspaper tabulated the gender

The Independent newspaper tabulated the gender of all candidates running for election in the 1992 British general election (Table 2) (from Hand et al [2]).

Table 2: The gender of candidates in the 1992 British general election

(a) Plot the proportion of female candidates against the Party, and comment.

(b) Plot the proportion of female candidates against the Region, and comment.

(c) Clearly state a nal model that adequately models the gender of candidates. Use the AIC and the deviance to help you decide on a model.

(d) Is there evidence that the interaction term is necessary?

(e) Is there evidence of under- or over-dispersion?

(f) Which link function appears best, and why?

(g) Compute the odds ratio of having a female Labour candidate to a female Conservative raw data

Region Party Females Males
SouthEast Cons 8 101
SouthWest Cons 3 45
GreaterLondon Cons 8 76
EastAnglia Cons 1 19
EastMidlands Cons 3 39
Wales Cons 2 36
Scotland Cons 9 63
WestMidlands Cons 8 50
YorksHumbers Cons 3 51
NorthWest Cons 8 65
North Cons 4 32
SouthEast Labour 25 84
SouthWest Labour 12 36
GreaterLondon Labour 27 57
EastAnglia Labour 4 16
EastMidlands Labour 7 35
Wales Labour 4 34
Scotland Labour 5 67
WestMidlands Labour 15 43
YorksHumbers Labour 9 45
NorthWest Labour 16 57
North Labour 2 34
SouthEast LibDem 28 81
SouthWest LibDem 13 35
GreaterLondon LibDem 19 63
EastAnglia LibDem 4 16
EastMidlands LibDem 6 36
Wales LibDem 8 30
Scotland LibDem 21 51
WestMidlands LibDem 9 49
YorksHumbers LibDem 12 42
NorthWest LibDem 12 61
North LibDem 4 32
SouthEast Green 15 42
SouthWest Green 6 21
GreaterLondon Green 13 37
EastAnglia Green 4 6
EastMidlands Green 3 8
Wales Green 0 7
Scotland Green 6 14
WestMidlands Green 4 11
YorksHumbers Green 3 22
NorthWest Green 5 17
North Green 1 7
SouthEast Other 27 86
SouthWest Other 11 61
GreaterLondon Other 21 93
EastAnglia Other 8 23
EastMidlands Other 7 19
Wales Other 10 44
Scotland Other 17 87
WestMidlands Other 5 30
YorksHumbers Other 6 22
NorthWest Other 20 75
North Other 3 6

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Basic Statistics: Independent newspaper tabulated the gender
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