
incubatorthe incubators are essential to provide


The incubators are essential to provide an ideal micro environment. The main functions are: isolation, maintenance of thermo neutral ambient temperature, desired humidity and administration of oxygen. It is essential that an incubator should not interfere with observation of an infant, should offer easy access to the baby and readily cleanable. 

An incubator that can control temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration while providing a high degree of isolation through the slight positive pressure maintained by air circulation system.

These incubators are becoming less popular now days as increased risk of nosocomial infection (humidity chamber is potential source of infection).

A) Indicator lights - Two white lights on the control panel. One white light indicates that the power is on and the other indicates that the air circulation system is operating. Nursing Techniques in 

B) Temperature indicator meter - Provides continuous readings of the infant's temperature when the probe is affixed to skin. 

C) Thermo stat knob - To obtain thermostat control of incubator air temperature turn this knob to the position that will maintain the incubator termperature at the desired level. 

D) Servo control probe - The probe is secured to the midline of the abdomen half way between the umbilicus and the xiphoid.

E) Thermometer - The thermometer inside the incubator indicates the temperature of the incubator.

F) Control point adjust button - The temperature control point of the infant servo control unit is fixed at 97 F (36.1°C). A temperature control point of 97°F or 36.1°C. Skin temperature is correlated with a body temperature of 98.5"F or 36.9"C.

G) Red line adjust button - Provides a quick means of checking the temperature meter for proper calibration. Press redline adjust button. The meter needle should slowly swing up, stopping on the redline on the meter face.

H) Oxygen inlet - The tube attached to the source of oxygen flow should be connected at this oxygen inlet.

I) Humidity chamber - The humidity chamber should be filled with sterile distilled water. The water should be drained and replenished daily to the level indicated by a black line. To drain the humidity reservoir, turn the fill pipe counter clockwise. High humidity aids in relieving respiratory difficulty. Add 0.8 - 2.5 ml of 1:10,000 solution of silver nitrate per liter of water to inhibit the growth of microorganism. Humidity tank incubators are potential source of infection. In some places incubators are used without adding water
in the humidity chamber.

J) Port holes and plastic - For access to the infant the port hole is opened closed by turning the metal ring that surrounds the plastic sleeve counter clockwise/clockwise. The plexiglass port hole is a lined plexiglass door located at the foot end of incubator through which contaminated linen and other articles may be removed from incubator.

K) Weighing facility - The vent at top portion of the plexiglass hood is used to facilitate weighing of the infant.

L) Storage cabinet - The base of the incubator provides storage area for individual linen and supplies.

M) Heater out put monitor - Built in heater out put monitor provides information regarding the amount of heat generated by the incubator warmer
to keep the infant homeothermic.

N) The front panel can be opened and bassinet can be pulled out for unhindered access to infant for examination procedure.

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Biology: incubatorthe incubators are essential to provide
Reference No:- TGS0176407

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