Given the following S-Boxes:
S1 = [ 15 10 2 5
8 4 11 6
1 0 14 7
9 3 12 13 ];
S2= [ 4 0 15 10
8 9 7 13
5 1 6 11
2 3 14 12 ];
Implement the following 16 bit cipher:
Plain text:
Key: P = [a1 a2 a3 a4] where a1..a4 are 4 bit each
K = [k1 k2 k3 k4] where k1..k4 are 4 bit each
Cipher text: C = E(p) = [ S1(a2⊕k1) S2(a4⊕k3) S1(a1⊕k2) S2(a3⊕k4) ]
Example: P = [1000 1100 1101 0110], K = [0001 0011 0010 1111]
C = [S1(1101) S2(0100) S1(1011) S2(0010 ] = [6 0 12 5]
= [0110 0000 1100 0101]
1. Draw a chart which shows the relation between P, C, and K according to this cipher.
2. Implement the above mentioned cipher and calculate the cipher text for the plaintexts provided in Appendix I and the key provided in Appendix II.
3. Measure the avalanche effect for the encryption algorithm using the provided plaintexts. Change 1 bit in the input and calculate the % of how many bits are changed in the cipher text. Repeat this for the provided 10 plaintext inputs; this will give 10 x 16 rounds. Calculate the average avalanche effect.
4. Suggest a change to the encryption algorithm to enhance the avalanche effect. Repeat 3 and comment on your finding.
Attachment:- Appendix.rar