Heart Video Quiz:
Go to part 4 of the Incredible Human Machine by National Geographic at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkNDvxZOfik (10 min) to answer the following questions. The questions are not scrambled – They follow the order of the script.
Answers should be filled into the video-quiz answer form and brought to class per schedule recorded in the weekly calendar and assignment folder.
1) What cells taken from Michael’s pelvic bone were programmed to be a heart cell by the researchers and injected into Michael’s heart after his heart attack to help repair the heart tissue?
2) What percent of what goes into the heart should come out of it?
3) If the heart is a pump, the capillaries are the…?
4) What are the drain pipes of the body?
5) How many miles does blood travel through our vessels?
6) What determines where the blood goes?
7) Why do pilots wear gravity or “G” suits?
8) What else do pilots do that is similar to the respiratory pump?
9) How many WBCS are in a single drop of blood to fight foreign invaders?
10) What grew out of control?