Increasing age diversity in the workplace


Review the article Age diversity, age discrimination climate and performance consequences-a cross organizational study by FLORIAN KUNZE, STEPHAN A. BOEHM AND HEIKE BRUCH Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Discussion topic 1: Individual Behavior, Diversity, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction

You read about diversity and also completed some Learning Activities to help you practice the concepts involved with individual behavior, attitudes, and job satisfaction. Now you will examine how these concepts function in the business world.

1. Review the following article from the KU Library found in Doc Sharing:

2. Kunz, F., Boehm, S.A. & Bruch, H. (2011). Age diversity, age discrimination climate and performance consequences- a cross-organizational study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32 (2), 264-290. doi:10.100/job.698

3. After reading the article above, read Case Incident : Increasing Age Diversity in the Workplace

• Do you think increasing age diversity will create new challenges for managers? What types of challenges do you expect will be most profound?

• How might diversity impact individual attitudes and behavior?

• Can diversity increase job satisfaction? If so, how?

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Other Management: Increasing age diversity in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01825447

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