
Increase in the cost of education


At Takoma Park University, they offer a multitude of courses each quarter. The students pay $1,200 per course. However, Dean Dong realizes that the tuition needs to be increased because of rising costs. After some analysis, Dean Dong determined that tuition needs to increase by $300 per course. At dinner one evening, Patsy Prune, Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Bonnie, and Ted Cabbagepatch were talking about the increase in tuition. Patsy Prune was real upset and she said she may need to drop out of Takoma Park University. Strawberry Shortcake told Patsy Prune to just pay the increase in tuition and move-on. Then Ted Cabbagepatch told Patsy Prune don't be so sensitive about it. Is Strawberry Shortcake and Ted Cabbagepatch correct? [Hint: May want to discuss the benefits and costs of education etc].

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Finance Basics: Increase in the cost of education
Reference No:- TGS01838506

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