There are several ways to increase and exercise a group's power.
Increase centrality: accept responsibilities that enhance one's reputation.
Associate with powerful managers: having friends in the rights places may help accomplish tasks.
Increase non-substitutability: develop specialized skills or knowledge valued by the organization.
Control uncertainty: help the organization anticipate and deal with future changed by conducting strategic planning, developing new product innovations, refining or crating more efficent business processes, etc.
1. Latent Conflict: no outright conflict, but there is potential; "air so think you could cut it with a knife"; woman biting her lip - competition for scarce resources; if resources decline, conflict could arise; e.g. shrinking bonuses, downsizing could lead to performance competition - different goals across subunits; e.g. accounting wants cost control while production wants higher quality materials
2. Perceived Conflict: subunits become aware of conflict and begin to analyze it; conflict escalates a groups begin to battle; e.g. hockey match beginning
3. Felt Conflict: subunits become more polarized; "us-versus-them"l; cooperation between units decreases; what began as a small problem escalates into huge conflict - people are more likely to believe information that reflects their viewpoints
4. Manifest Conflict: subunits try to get back at each other; fighting and aggression; org effectiveness suffers
5. Conflict Aftermath: conflict is resolved; if resolution is superficial, the dispute will arise again.