
Incorporate some sort of user interface

Pick any topic of interest to you. If you are having trouble thinking of a topic, ask on the forums or drop me an email. Let me know what you're thinking of working on, and I'll help you get in the right direction. As a minimum, your program should:
• Be programmed in Python
• Use some type of data structure (array, objects, files, database)
• Incorporate some sort of user Interface (Tkinter, pygame, command - line menu)
• Solve some identified problem
• Run without crashing under typical load
• Illustrate programming knowledge
• Be original work


Project Overview

Project Overview including following features
• What does project do?
• Who are users?
• What problem does it solve?
• Hardware limitations
• Visual design implications

Data Plan
• What is the overall data structure of the program?
• What's the data that needs to be manipulated?
• How will it be organized?
• What's the specific implementation strategy
• What classes or files will your project include?

Visual Layout
• Create a diagram for your system.
• What does each screen look like?
• If there are multiple states, how do they interact?
• What are the interface elements on each screen called?
• How are they laid out? (rows and columns, spanned rows and columns, stickiness, etc)
• Define what happens when your program begins
• Define what happens on any user event (menu selection, clicking button, whatever)
• Define these actions in English
• Be specific enough you can translate to code.

The Project
• All documentation described earlier (in Word, OpenOffice, or .rtf format)
• Source code for every program in the project
• Passwords for any password-protected fields (for testing)
• Any other documentation you wish to provide

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Basic Computer Science: Incorporate some sort of user interface
Reference No:- TGS081816

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