
Incompatible goals-task interdependence

Chosse the right option with an appropriate answer:

1 Think of a recent situation where you have encountered conflict, (such as your most recent MGT 360 group project), which is defined as a process that involves people disagreeing. It could be between you and a peer, significant other, family, friend, etc. Briefly describe it here. What did you want? What did the other party want?

2 What type of conflict would you say it was?




3 What was the source of the conflict?

Organizational structure

Limited resources

Task interdependence

Incompatible goals

Personality differences

Communication problems

4 Now think about how "competitive" you are in general. Another way to think about it is how assertive you are. Do you always go after what you want (HIGH), do you often acquiesce and give the other person what they want (LOW) or are you somewhere in between (MEDIUM)?

HIGH assertiveness/competitiveness

MEDIUM assertiveness/competitiveness

LOW assertiveness/competitiveness

5 Now think about how cooperative you are in general. Are you someone who likes to work with people to get things done (HIGH cooperativeness) or someone who prefers to work independently to get things done (LOW cooperativeness) or somewhere in between (MEDIUM)?

HIGH cooperativeness

MEDIUM cooperativeness

LOW cooperativeness - I'm more independent

6 Now look at the grid on p. 270 of the textbook. Where do you fit, based on your answers to the previous two questions? What is your "generic" conflict handling style?






7 Now think back to the situation you described at the beginning of the exercise. In theory it's always best to aim for collaboration, since it is the only "win-win", although it is not always possible. Is there any way you could have turned the situation into a win-win? Are you happy with the style you chose, or would you pick a different one, and why?

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Reference No:- TGS01845281

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