
Including general description of tree species including

Adopt a Tree Assignment

Length: approximately 750 wor ds

Style: A full, origin piece of writing, fully

Submit :  word document and two photos


Description of Tree (approximately 250 wor ds): including general description of tree, species (including scientific name), tree size (diameter-breast-height in cm and height estimate in m), branches and leaves characteristics, description of the bark, the geographic coordinates of the tree (use a GPS or Google Earth).

Description of Biogeography associated with your tree (250 wor ds)

Description of the environment around your tree (other trees? in a park, or yard, or forest)

The biogeography of tree species (range, where it grows naturally), moisture regime (upland or moist sites) and the ecology of the tree species.

Values of your tree. (approximately 250 words)

1) Personal value and connect to Tree

Your views and personal value of this tree. Why did you choose this tree and/ or species? Do you have a connection to this tree? Or connection to the space the tree is in?

2) Economic or commercial value

How is this species used in a economic or commercial sense?

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History: Including general description of tree species including
Reference No:- TGS02574132

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