
Include your interview questionanswer with an introduction


You will write this final project as if you are presenting a business case to the company you interviewed. For this assignment, you will use a MS Word Report format of your choice, and include the following sections:

1. Executive Summary: This part covers a general overview, and provides background. The background should state the company's name, the interviewees name, date of interview, and in general tell what the business does. In addition, it should include a sentence or two detailing each major heading in your report.

2. Needs Assessment: Include your interview question/answer with an introduction AND discussion.

3. Training Strategy: This part is your training strategy--remember, here you want to show a clear tie-in to your needs assessment. Also need an introduction here.

4. Training Program Design: These are the details of your specific training. Learning objectives, outline, etc (you already completed this assignment) will be included here. Also include an introduction.

5. Evaluation strategy: A written discussion AND example provided of the type of evaluation you will use (e.g. survey). Include a short introduction to this section also.

6. Conclusion: Repeat briefly the major sections of your report, and close on a positive note!

These should be written as a report using Microsoft Word or similar report template format.

The report should also include a cover page, table of contents page, page numbers, a short introduction for each heading. The headings should be the six listed above. In other words, only one document should be turned in.

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Business Management: Include your interview questionanswer with an introduction
Reference No:- TGS02700364

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