Choose a model or theory of helping which is not addressed in the class and get approval for the topic from the faculty member. Make sure that you have chosen a topic on which adequate research and writing is available to support your presentation.
Each Learning Team member must be involved and contribute to the development of the presentations, and each student's part must be documented.
Include the following information in your presentation:
The history of the development of the theory;
the beliefs on which it is based;
the important contributors or practitioners of the theory;
the theory of helping;
the relationship between the helper and the client;
some techniques or approaches developed;
the kinds of problems addressed;
the populations on which the techniques are used;
multicultural issues in using these approaches; and
research findings on the model or theory.
The presentation must be 30 minutes in length and may include short videotapes demonstrating theory-based tools or role-play demonstrations.
The presentation will be evaluated by the faculty member and the class members. Organization, completeness, competency of the presenters, and use of visual or written aids will be evaluated.