
Include information that will direct participants on how to

Question: Part 2-Training Workshop Assignment

This week you will begin developing the small group exercise you will include in your training.

The purpose of the exercise should be to allow the participants to demonstrate clear health communication principles; or, health literacy methods they would use directly with patients.

Make sure to address the following items in your exercise:

• Overview of Exercise: Briefly summarize the exercise and it's purpose to provide participants with a clear view of what they will be doing and why (1 slide).

• Key Areas of Concern: Clearly state which key areas of concern the exercise is meant to address (1 slide).

• Materials: Lay out the materials participants will need to complete the exercise (1 slide).

• Steps: Include information that will direct participants on how to conduct the activity, the time frame, group process expectations, anticipated result, and report back instructions (3 slides).

Guidelines for Submission: It is required that you submit this assignment in a PowerPoint Slides format (6 content slides). The point is to craft a professional presentation that would be viewed by a potential supervisor. You may want to review the Tip Sheet for Effective Presentations provided in the Final Project Resources.

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Dissertation: Include information that will direct participants on how to
Reference No:- TGS02711335

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