
Include a literature review synthesising the existing


The Task -

You must write a case study relating to a selected example of white collar crimeinvolvingregulatory failure. You must select one of the following cases:

1. the collapse of insurance company HIH

2. the AWB scandal

3. the Esso Longford gas explosion

Your case study must discuss the failure of regulation in your chosen topic and:

  • Document the crime/misbehaviour & regulatory failure in a brief summary of facts
  • Include a literature review synthesising the existing literature relevant to the area of crime and regulation, provide a case analysis, explaining how and why the failure of regulation occurred
  • Analyse and evaluate the policy and regulatory implications of the case
  • Adhere to normal academic standards for structure, argument, presentation, referencing


The case study must be predominantly analytic and explanatory, and draw on the relevant literature. You are expected to read more widely than just the set readings.  The following assessment criteria will apply:

  • Does the case study concisely describe the crime/misbehaviour & regulatory failure?
  • Does it focus mainly on the regulatory system in place and why and how it failed in this instance?
  • Are the white collar crime and regulatory literatures used to explain this failure, and examine its implications?
  • Are key terms and concepts explained?
  • Are there any significant errors or omissions?
  • Were sufficient or key references used?
  • Was information from different sources well integrated?
  • Was the case study logically and coherently structured?
  • Was it well written?
  • Was the case study appropriately and consistently referenced?
  • Did it keep reasonably to the word limit?

Remember this must be a case study of regulatory failure, not just white collar crime.  Make sure you identify who should have been regulating the situation, why it didn't work, and link the case to the literature studied in the latter topics of this course.

Tips for writing the assignment-

Your case study needs to start with an introduction, then comprise description, theoretical review and analysis, and a conclusion.

  • The introduction should introduce the case study, identify its goal, and give a brief overview of the argument.
  • The description should be a very succinct run-down of enough facts to show what the case is about and why it is relevant to this subject. Provide a brief summary of what happened, show why it is relevant to the topic of regulatory failure, and what type of WCC is involved. Avoid getting into too much detail.
  • Your theoretical review needs to synthesise relevant literature about white collar crime and regulation in order to inform your analysis of the case. You need to canvass what the literature says about the type of crime you are examining, and what it says about regulating it. Focus on the literature/theory (ies) that are relevant to your chosen area of crime and regulation, not on a general overview of everything you've read so far. Start with the course readings, but you will need to access more specific literature on your chosen area.
  • Your analysis should apply relevant theory (ies) to your particular case, to explain how and why it happened, and why the relevant regulation failed. You must be beyond describing what happened, think about why it happened: who were the regulators; what did they do or didn't do; use the theory (ies) that you have described
  • In the conclusion, restate the main purpose of the paper, summarise your argument and make conclusions about the effectiveness of regulation in dealing with your chosen area
  • Think briefly about what are the regulatory implications? E.g., should more regulations be put in place? Should the existing regulations be enforced more strongly? In a different manner?

2500 words

10 apa reference

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Dissertation: Include a literature review synthesising the existing
Reference No:- TGS01565335

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