
Include a brief explanation of what method you chose and

This unit's Learning Journal focuses on creating a results section for research paper. The section will include 2-3 paragraphs on analysis of your own results from the research method. These paragraphs will be based upon your own analysis and synthesis of those sources.

Include a brief explanation of what method you chose and why. Finally, determine what value your results are to your own study. Keep in mind that reliability and validity are not the same thing.

Remember: Not every experiment works the way you want-it is okay to admit that you made errors as long as you say what happened to cause the errors.





Qualitative research methods is primarily an exploratory research used to gain understanding of the underlying reasons ,opinions of a given group of people.

Since employees in the work place differ in personalities and the manner in which they perform the tasks assigned to them ,its paramount to use qualitative research methods to appraise their work performance.the quantitative methods cannot be used because its almost impossible to physically measure the amount of work each employee does in an organization.

For instance,an example of a qualitative research to determine the factors contributing to poor performance of employees in an organization may be achieved through the following qualitative means:

a)A researcher collecting data and facts on factors leading to this phenomenon may embark on participatory observation of the employees as they go about their daily tasks for a given research period .

b) Qualitative data can also be collected through interviewing the selected group of Employees. Questions asked during the interview might be focusing on the respondent Contributing some of their opinions on factors that deter them from performing well In their work place.

c) Also the qualitative research can distribute questionnaires that contain list of questions on the issues that each respondent employee feels they hinder him or her from achieving desirable performance.

Results and conclusion.

After collecting the qualitative data on the opinions and contribution of the employees on factors that hinder their performance. The researcher might come up with the following results and conclusions.

a) Most employees might be receiving low salaries and wages hence this factor lowers their morale towards work and tasks allocated to them hence poor performance.

b)heavy workloads -this is a factor that deters employees from performing this is because in the long run the employees become disgruntled with their work and the effects of these are seen in the quality of their work. Lot of workload also causes stress, demoralization and tolls on their health.

c) Poor leadership-some employees work best under instruction and supervision and if these are not given to them their performance may be dismal. Harassment by management may also cause aggressiveness and punitive behavior of the employees.

D) stress-employees who are stressed especially in the work place do not perform .this is because the modern work places are full of demands, deadlines causing the employees to work under pressure hence poor performance.

e) Gossip, clash of values and lack of transparency-work place consists of people from different walks of life and if they do not understand each other and respect each other's values havoc may arise leading to poor coordination in work place hence poor performance.

f) Poor working conditions also demoralize the employees and may lead to employees performing poorly.

In conclusion a qualitative research outlines the opinions,ideas and factors that are collected from respondents and interpreting them to come up with solid and concrete conclusion.


Nag,A,(2016). 16 Factors that Lead to Poor Performance at the Workplace. Retrieved from https://blog.commlabindia.com/elearning-design/negative-performance-factors.

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Dissertation: Include a brief explanation of what method you chose and
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