Write an essay on any of the missions or series of missions (e.g. Viking series, Voyager series) listed in Appendix 3 Table 4, or missions you found out about through a web search (there are new missions not listed in the Appendix). I will grade this pass/fail. If you pass, I will drop your lowest homework grade at the end of the semester. Follow these rules:
- Set 1-inch margins
- Use 11-point Calibri font
- Set the line spacing to single space (single space doesnotmean to put an extra space between lines).
- The header should consist of a title, your name, and a single space before the beginning of the essay. Do not add spaces before or after paragraphs.
- The essay should run at least one line onto page three.
- Include a bibliography of at least three sources on page three. I must be able to find your sources.