
Incentive wage scheme

Question 1:

a) Explain in brief Direct and indirect labor.
b) Explain the different methods of recording time.

Question 2: Define the term Job Evaluation and differentiate it from Merit Rating. Describe the methods and objectives of the Job Evaluation.

Question 3: What do you understand by the term Time and Motion Study? Describe how Standard Time is set under Time Study? State how time and motion study is helpful to management.

Question 4: How would you measure the Labor Turnover? Illustrate the avoidable causes and its effects?

Question 5:

a) Illustrate the objectives and characteristics of the Incentive Wage Scheme?

b) Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of time rate and piece-rate systems of wage payment? Illustrate the conditions in which each system is effective and helpful.

Question 6: Describe any four of the given:

a) Time Rates at ordinary level
b) Time Rates at high level
c) Graduated Time Rates
d) Straight Piece Rates
e) Piece Rates with guarantee day rates
f) Differential Piece Rates

Question 7: What are the fundamental considerations that govern the remuneration of workers? Name the different factors which are taken into account for determining wages level and also individual workers remuneration.

Question 8: Describe the purpose of time keeping and time booking and state what are the detailed records generally maintained under each? Do you feel any requirement for reconciliation of these two? What is the advantage you expect, if such reconciliation is taken out?

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Cost Accounting: Incentive wage scheme
Reference No:- TGS08455

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