Economics Assignment: Collection and Use of Data in Economics
Data Analysis Project: Multiple Linear Regression
Assignment: You are to collect data for a multiple linear regression. You must collect and assemble your own data set (and prove that you did through proper citation) and you must collect at least 50 observations for each variable.
Write-up: You will need to turn in a report that summarizes your analysis in three pages or less of text (not including figures and tables of results, which should be presented separately at the end of the write-up). In your write-up, you need to describe your data, write out and explain your empirical model, and offer a detailed discussion of your results. A template for preparing an empirical research write-up is presented in Chapter 16 (you will obviously be preparing a shorter version).
Rules: Projects are to be done individually and not in conjunction with your classmates. Failure to follow this rule will result in an automatic F for the course. Projects are due at the beginning of the class period on the date listed above. Late assignments will not be accepted.