
In your teams research select and analyze three articles

Team Project: Journal Research and Analysis Assignment

In your teams, research, select and analyze three articles related to your team's assigned position on affirmative action. My team is assigned to affirmative action.  The articles must be from professional research journals and be available through the ESC library. A suggested approach would be for each team member to find and select a separate article on the assigned topic for the team to review. The team will then decide which articles to use. The articles' publication dates are to be NO older than three years. Then, complete the following steps:

  1. Compose a 2-3 page, double-spaced paper discussing what your team found and its relation to the topic your team was assigned to research. Prepare your paper and save it as an MS Word or RTF file; you will submit it to the entire class in the your course instructor in the M3 Team Debate area.
  2. Develop a discussion topic. To do so, your team will provide an overview of the articles selected and your team's assessment of the articles. Identify at least two issues relating to Affirmative Action addressed in the articles that will form the initial questions, comments you will pose to your classmates and instructor. 

This is your area to discuss your argument in support of Affirmative Action. Only those assigned to your group can see the documents in this area. Explore your topic, develop your argument, and plan your strategy for the class discussion.

Be sure you research and discuss the information you will need for the class discussion. In the class discussion, you are responsible for presenting and supporting your arguments in favor of Affirmative Action. In this space, the team should decide on the information it needs to argue its position successfully.

  1. Interact with your classmates and your instructor in your team's discussion area, and in the class discussion area where you can view what has been posted by the other teams.
  2. Additionally, the following videofollowing videomay prove helpful in developing your position.

For the articles selected, provide the following information:

  1. title; author(s); publication dates and any other identification information, as may be applicable, such as Volume Number, Issue Number, pages, etc. web address/URL the articles selected from the Professional Research Journals [I will and do check/verify sources].
  2. a brief introduction to each article's content/message.
  3. a specific discussion of the importance of the information in each article as it relates to your assigned topic on Affirmative Action.
  4. a summary and concluding comments regarding the three articles as a whole. For example, what points do they agree/disagree about; what issues do they raise for workplaces today and in the future?
  5. a description of the topic(s) your team selected for the discussion.

Evaluation Criteria Includes:

  1. Organization and clarity: The paper and discussion comments must have a logical flow and demonstrate a clear understanding of the information presented in the articles.
  2. Relevancy: The articles selected, the group paper and discussion comments must demonstrate a fair, unbiased evaluative review of the topic.
  3. Contributions to learning: The paper and discussion responses should provide relevant information to deepen and extend the learning of all participants.
  4. Mechanics and grammatical correctness: Use word processing tools such as spell checking and grammar checking.
  5. Style: Use an accepted style for your paper, such as the APA style guidelines, 5th edition. Be sure that both in text citation and reference list are done correctly.

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HR Management: In your teams research select and analyze three articles
Reference No:- TGS02215017

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