
In your search for mutants of your favorite gene yfg you

In your search for mutants of "your favorite gene" (yfg) youidentify a mutant which you believe to be a transposon insertion. At your disposal you havea point mutant of yfg. How can you distinguish this potential yfg transposondisruption from a nontransposon mutation?

Which cloning vectors are best suited for the production of genomicDNA libraries with an insert size of 200Kbp? Describe one vector: What are theimportant features of the vector? What purpose does this vector serve in molecularbiology and genetics?

Successful sequencing runs may obtain error free sequences for upto 1000 base pairs. Cosmid vectors have inserts up to 45000 base pairs. Suggest astrategy to obtain a complete sequence of a cosmid insert.

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Biology: In your search for mutants of your favorite gene yfg you
Reference No:- TGS0802365

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