
In your paper describe how kant understands autonomy and


In his Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant argues that autonomy, or the ability to self-govern oneself, is the basis for morality and justice. In your paper, describe how Kant understands autonomy and why it is necessary for his concept of morality, personal responsibility, and justice. To help do this, explain how Kant might support or reject drug use according to the ethical system that he develops. You may want to address concepts of self-harm, consent, enslavement, indirect vs. direct harm, negative vs. positive rights, paternalism, consequences vs. intentions, and etc., to name a few. Finally, determine which side (pro or con to drug use) has the better argument. Finally, defend whether Kant would support a government policy of drug legalization and criticize or support this view with Mill's utilitarian philosophy.

Your paper should be 5 pages double-spaced, normal margins

Your answer to the question must not only present your own considered opinion on the matter, but must have a basis in the readings for the course, and be formulated so as to include at least:

1. a comparative examination of two or three different possible answers to the question;

2. a critical analysis of your own position which identifies potential weaknesses in the position and explains what makes that position nevertheless superior in some way to the others considered; and

3. specific reference to ideas, insights, and/or arguments presented by the philosophers assigned in the prompt.

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