
In your own words what does an advanced thinker look like

What does it mean to take a theoretical principle and develop a practice course of action? Share specific examples. 50 words

How can you replace low-quality thinking with higher-quality thinking?

In your own words, what does an advanced thinker look like? How about an accomplished thinker? What's the difference between the two? 50 words

What is the value of creating portfolios for each of your courses?How can a personal library of course content be used for both academic and professional background knowledge?What are ideas for items to include in your portfolio? 50 words

When writing a formal argument, you should avoid using non-academic sources, if possible. Why might it be detrimental to your writing to use non-academic sources? Please explain. no specific words



Your thesis statement is an explanatory part of your specific evidence that is evident in your topic. The paper must be an effective claim of your information with an intended goal and provide your case on information provided.

Your thesis should be specific and not use run-on sentences that may not pertain to a different outlook of your thesis. The thesis always have some room for improvement as you further examine your paper.

Provide support for your claim with credibility and not fall short from the issue when writing the conclusion. Rate your thesis on a respective and genuine guide of your research outline. Cover your key points logically with the actual main quotes stated and identify your sources in a mandatory manner.


The link between clear, logical organization and effective communication is powerful, both for the "sender" and the "receiver." For the writer, a well organized outline of information serves as a blue print for action.

It provides focus and direction as the writer composes the document, which helps to ensure that the stated purpose is fulfilled. For the reader, clear organization greatly enhances the ease with which one can understand and remember the information being presented.

People seek out patterns to help make sense of information. When the reader is not able to find a pattern that makes sense, chaos and confusion abound. Effective communication, then, begins with a clearly organized set of ideas following a logical, consistent pattern. Thus, one of the most important decisions a writer makes concerns the pattern of organization that is used to structure and order information.


Explore your research as to whether it's true or not. Review and verify your justification and credibility. Learn to use your resources through the library and make a choice where your topic is leading you for correct and logical reasoning. Be aware of your choices of research because it can lead to nonfactual information. Don't rely on your assumptions for your topics and make your research of value and with validity.

Learn to be selective in your words sentencing by incorporating key phrases. Remember to give the citation identification of your conducting search resources. Investigate your topic because it forces you to examine and then describes how each source addresses your topic paper.


When it comes to development, parents want their child to be good and also to be respectful to others. We know that bad behavioral results in being punished for some children by their parents. This is called conditional positive regards. The parents want their children to live up to what they are worth.

The only thing is that if the child is bad then the parent don't show them any type of love. So with this the child tend to give up their bad behavior because they want to be loved. Then there is the unconditional regard which is where the parents will the child regardless of their behavior.

I say that a parent can love their child regardless of how they behave, it's just a matter of letting that child know that the way they acted is will not be tolerated by them. A parent should show love to that child regardless of how they act. They just need to explain to the child what they did wrong.

We shouldn't neglect the child because they are being bad. I remember a saying that my mom told me. I'm not spanking you to be mean, I'm doing it because I love you. My brother and I looked back on our childhood and talked about it and we told our mother that we were grateful for how she brought us up. When we were children we didn't know what she meant but now as adults we do. We knew that she loved us and that's why she punished us when we did wrong.


There are two terms when it comes to talking about the self. The first term is called the ideal self. This term describes what the person think he or she should be like. Then the second term is called the real self. The real self contains the true and the real qualities of the person. We sometimes think that we should act a certain way or we would like to be a certain way. Our real self is who we really are in life. Yes sometimes our ideal self comes out and we see ourself as a different person so one that we would like to be.


There are two different styles when it comes to raising children. The first style is called the authoritarian parents. These parents place a high priority on their children for being respectful and showing obedience to others. The second one is called the authoritative parenting style. This style has the parents putting a high expectation on their children. These parents give their kids the resources they need and the support they need without resulting to punishments.

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