Module 1 - Strategy from viewpoint of management scholars
The aim of this assignment is to suggest the role played by management scholars in developing new ideas useful to managers, academics, students and others interested in strategic management.
This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, "Where is strategy at from the perspective of management scholars?"
To undertake this assignment you will need to view information found on the web sites of four online management journals. Each of the journals offers access to at least the table of contents of the most recent issue as well as brief summaries of each article. These journals include,
Harvard Business Review
MIT Sloan Management Review
Ivey Business Journal
Please answer the following questions:
• For each of the online journals noted above, please examine the latest issue and identify four ideas or issues that appear to be relevant to the field of strategy. Please summarize each of the issues in two or three sentences.
• Are there any common ideas that are being discussed in articles across two or more of the journals? If so what are they?
• In your own words, and using no less than 250 words to do so, please comment on how each of these journals is different from the others in the types of insight that they offer.