
In your opinion what personal characteristics are employers

Question: In your opinion what personal characteristics are employers looking for in individuals whom they consider for long-term employment and probable advancement in the organization? To what extent can one develop these characteristics?

2nd Part

I do believe all companies should have a Training and Development department of some sorts depending on their capabilities. Could you elaborate what should said department provides to the company's personnel? Please define high quality and great characteristic.

3rd Part:

What traits do you think an employer seek when filling a position for their company?


Career development programs are a fairly recent addition to the functions performed by human resources departments. These programs are designed to enable employees to match their needs for growth and development with those of the organization. Carefully organized job progressions are established so employees may plan a lifetime career with the organization. In developing these programs special efforts have been made to provide opportunities for managers, women, and minorities. Through workshops and counseling, employee strengths and needs are identified and career paths are selected. Employers can also facilitate the career development of members of minority groups and of dual-career couples.


A major function of human resources management is the appraisal and improvement of employee performance. In establishing a performance appraisal program, managers should give careful attention to its objectives and to the criteria against which employees are to be evaluated. Court decisions have emphasized the importance of having carefully defined and measurable criteria. Newer methods and techniques for appraisal are replacing some of the older methods that are more subject to errors. The methods used should be consistent with the objectives of appraisal in the particular organization. Through interviews, managers can give information from the appraisal to subordinates and make plans for improving performance.

EACH POST SHOULD BE AT LEAST one PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH (150 words) Quantity is IMPORTANT BUT QUALITY is just as important. NOTE: Wikipedia cannot be used as a source for this class.Also, do not cut and paste from your sources, but read and then put in your own words, this means paraphrase and cite your sources the APA way.

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HR Management: In your opinion what personal characteristics are employers
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