
In your introduction describe the dilemma making sure to

Assignment: In this course, you have read a number of texts with sociocultural themes (race, class, gender, colonial oppression, bias against immigrants).

Some examples are: Tartuffe by Moliere "Kabuliwala" by Rabindranath Tagore "Punishment" by Rabindranath Tagore "The Old Chief Mshlanga" by Doris Lessing "Chike's School Days" by Chinua Achebe Each of these texts contain an ethical dilemma (a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives) connected to its central theme. For this essay, choose a text and identify an ethical dilemma at its core.

In your introduction, describe the dilemma, making sure to include the different perspectives or positions.

Then, in your thesis statement, argue for your position on the ethical dilemma. In other words, what would you do in the situation you just described, were you in place of character(s) involved in it?

You will support your position with reasoning based on your personal experiences, your unique background, and your core beliefs as they relate to your chosen dilemma.

You also need to keep in mind the historical context of the character that you are writing about- elements of class hierarchy, asymmetrical gender relations, socioeconomic conditions that limit her/his choices compared to yours.

Remember to examine the possible consequences of the choice you make.

You will also address the counter-arguments to demonstrate that you have considered objections or limitations to your position before you come to your conclusion.

You should review our online discussions that focus on your chosen text.

Revisit your chosen text, noting specific passages that refer to the focus of your ethical dilemma.

Requirements: The essay should be 3 word-processed pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 point. Add a Works Cited page in MLA format.


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Dissertation: In your introduction describe the dilemma making sure to
Reference No:- TGS02741141

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