
In what ways is the girl described in the poem different

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Piercy,"Barbie Doll".

1. In what ways is the girl described in the poem different from a Barbie doll? Discuss the poem's contrast of the living girl, a human being with intelligence and healthy appetites, and the doll, an inanimate object.

The girl described in the poem is indeed different from a Barbie doll. Although the girl is depicted as someone with a great big nose, but she has fat legs. In contrast we know that a Barbie doll is slim and has a very small nice nose. Barbie doll was never known to be that intelligent blond doll, compare to the girl in this poem, since she was tested to be intelligent. However, at the end did the girl possibly had plastic surgery? Did she went to achieve that perfect nose and then had he


Piercy, "Barbie Doll"

1. The girl in the poem is much different from a Barbie doll. She had flaws, "great big nose and fat legs" (6), she was strong and intelligent, both of which are characteristics that Barbie does not have. Barbie is tall and slim with unrealistic proportions and is merely an object to be played with by children. After examining line 10, "she went to and fro apologizing", we are made aware of how much the expectations of society have traumatized the human girl. She now has low self-esteem and feels the need to apologize for not meeting society's standard of a "pretty" girl. Barbie does not have feelings or emotions, as she is an object.

Like Mona mentioned, the girls "abundant sexual drive" (9) differs from Barbie because Barbie lacks genitals. Not only that but having an abundant sex drive is seen as a male quality. Women, like Barbie, are expected to "play coy" (12) and submit to the pleasures of a man, not be the one to initiate or take charge of their sexuality.

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