
In what ways is platos allegory of the cave like the matrix

Question: 1. Explain Plato's philosophy of the World of Being and the World of Becoming. In your presentation, include the three metaphors: The Sun, Allegory of the Cave, and the Divided Line. In what ways do these three metaphors help explain Plato's World of Being and World of Becoming. Make sure you refer to material from the textbook and class discussion. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

2. Plato explains what is called a priori or innate knowledge, which is knowledge that we already have or that we were born with. Explain what Plato means by innate and how is that the case. Plato somewhat explains how we obtain "knowledge" throughout our lives in his text Phaedo. In your own words, explain the quote above and Plato's overall theory of recollection and how that helps explain Plato's idea of innate knowledge: "But if the knowledge which we acquired before birth was lost by us at birth, and afterwards by the use of the senses we recovered that which we previously knew, will not that which we call learning be a process of recovering our knowledge, and may not this be rightly termed recollection by me?". Make sure you refer to material from the textbook and class discussion. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

3. In what ways is Plato's Allegory of the Cave like The Matrix. Discuss in your own words aspects of the Allegory and how they are played out or represented by the movie. Be specific. Give examples from both the text and the movie? In what ways are we in the cave? What is the cave for us today? In what ways are we prisoners in the cave? How do we break out? By what method can we break out? How does the analogy of the Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix help us understand their journey? Make sure you refer to material from the textbook and class discussion. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

4. In what ways did Aristotle break from his teacher, Plato? What sets Aristotle's philosophy apart from Plato's. How did Aristotle feel about Nature or physus? In what ways did he agree and/or disagree with Plato's notion of two worlds: one of Being and one of Becoming and the Forms? Can Aristotle's notion of Matter and Form be likened or not liked to Plato's Forms? Make sure you refer to material from the textbook and class discussion. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

5. How does Locke characterize qualities in general? Consider the relation of qualities to (a) ideas, and (b) corporeal substances. What is the difference between primary and secondary qualities for Locke? How do secondary qualities relate to primary qualities? Make sure to use material from the textbook to back up your own words and ideas. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

6. Explain the difference between Rationalism and Empiricism? Give an example of a philosopher who is a rationalist and one who is an empiricist. What -ism seems to be stronger in your mind and why? What are the arguments for and against Rationalism and Empiricism? Make sure to use material from the textbook to back up your own words and ideas. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

7. What does Kant mean by the noumenal and phenomenal worlds? How are they similar and different from Plato's World of Being and World of Becoming? What arguments does Kant make for the existence of the noumenal and phenomenal world? Do you agree or disagree with Kant's position and claims? Make sure to use material from the textbook to back up your own words and ideas. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

8. Explain how and why Kant combines the ideas of rationalism with that of Empiricism? What does he mean by ‘we construct our world". In what ways must rationalism and empiricism work together? Can you be a rationalist only or an empiricist only? Or do you necessarily need the two -ism to gain and formulate and body of knowledge? Make sure to use material from the textbook to back up your own words and ideas. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

9. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of Locke's philosophy against Kant's philosophy. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

10. In your own words, what are the some reasons or forces the compel people to act. To support your examples, refer to and interpret the reasons given by our textbook. Of these examples, which one do you support and feel compels you the most in your life? Do you think one overpowers the other forces or is there a combination of them. You can use anything from the movies Equilibrium, I, Robot and Minority Report. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

11. In your own words, what is freedom and how much of it do we as individuals have of it? According to the text, what are some of the reason as to why we are free. Of these examples, which allows or constrains us the most? In what ways do these examples allow or inhibit your personal freedom. You can use anything from the movies Equilibrium, I, Robot, Inception, Adjustment Bureau, and Minority Report. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.
12. In your own words, introduce and interpret the difference between determinism, soft determinism and indeterminism. Which of the two has a stronger case and why? In what ways do these two theories overlap or distance themselves from the other theory. What philosophers fall under these two theories? You can use anything from the movies Equilibrium, I, Robot, Inception, Adjustment Bureau, and Minority Report. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

13. In your own words, introduce and interpret Jean Paul Sartre's concept of freedom? What does he mean by "We are condemned to be Free". Make sure you cover the themes or ideas of Sartre that are used to explain his notion of freedom. Do you really think we are 100% free to do as we chose? You can use anything from the movies Equilibrium, I, Robot, Inception, Adjustment Bureau, and Minority Report. Refer to material from the book, lecture notes, class discussions, YouTube and video clips, and even some of the movies.

All papers must use footnotes for citations.

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Dissertation: In what ways is platos allegory of the cave like the matrix
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