
In what ways does this piece reflect contemporary culture

Assignment: Analysis of a Visual Text

In this unit, we have talked a lot about art, culture, and the ways we try to evaluate them. For this essay, I want you to think about how art and culture inform one another in today's world. In 4-5 pages, write an essay in which you analyze an image from Brandon Stanton's "Humans of New York" Facebook or Instagram page in relation to contemporary culture. You may choose any image as long as it's not a promotional post (e.g., you cannot use a picture posted of his new book or a picture of Hillary Clinton, who has mysteriously made it there). First, write a thorough description in which you use words to describe this visual image, pointing out the details of the image that stand out to you. You should essentially describe the image as if your reader has never seen it before. Then, draw meaning from the details of the image by considering what praise, question, or problem it poses about contemporary culture. Make a claim about what the image is saying (this should be your original idea), and use one text read in class to support this interpretation. Then, use the quotation transcribed by Stanton, located underneath the image, to either support or refute your own interpretation of the photograph. Does Stanton's commentary match up to what the photograph on its own seems to be saying? How, or why not? Which do you find to be more effective?

As you work with both the photograph and the commentary, you will consider how effective this art is as a representation of contemporary culture. You do NOT have to agree with the part of culture that this image is portraying; instead, think about its accuracy and honesty. Does this picture successfully convey meaning? Does it achieve emotion? In what ways does this piece reflect contemporary culture? You must use ONE text from this unit to support your ideas. Seriously examine the ideas that are brought forth through the photograph and how words impact the details of the image.

General Requirements:

1. 4-5 pages

2. Times New Roman font size 12, double spaced (no extra spaces between paragraphs), 1" margins all around.

3. Adherence to all MLA style and formatting rules, including those for headings, page numbers, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page.

4. Strict use of third person ONLY. No "I", "me", "we", "our", "you", etc.

5. Include an interesting title and first line.

6. Include the picture at the end of your Works Cited

7. Rough draft due Thursday, September 21 at the start of class. Submit electronically on SafeAssign AND print out a hard copy, stapled.

8. Final draft due Thursday, October 5 at 11:59pm. Please post on Blackboard and email me your final draft.

9. You MUST meet with me for paper conferences during the week outlined on your syllabus. Failure to meet will result in a point deduction from your final draft grade.

10. You MUST go to the Writing Center for this paper. If any single person fails to go to the Writing Center before the final draft is due, the entire class will have to go to the Writing Center another time.

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Dissertation: In what ways does this piece reflect contemporary culture
Reference No:- TGS02456727

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